In our youtube video titled Crocodile vs Anaconda - The Komodo Dragon vs Anaconda Snake with fairly short duration, which is about 3.27 minutes aired snake middle of a fight with a crocodile.
In the battle between a crocodile and anaconda is very dramatic. Clashing with the power and advantages of each. But the irony of this video crocodile lost in that fight.
By using anaconda wrapped the body in the body of the individual can be defeated. Alligator wound to crumble and die. Finally crocodile into food anaconda.
Can you imagine how a snake eating the crocodile? Imagine also how big a snake can swallow the whole mouth of a crocodile. Moreover, how strong digestive snake until it can squash the famous crocodile is very hard.
Please watch the video Crocodile vs Anaconda - The Komodo Dragon vs Anaconda Snake.